The MORGEN Blog is a comprehensive source of information on all aspects of digital transformation and business model innovation. We offer a wide range of content that can help you transform your business for the long term. We publish weekly articles that focus on sustainability and business transformation. Our aim is to highlight and discuss the current challenges and opportunities in the areas of sustainability, digitalization, business models and touchpoints such as pricing. We report on innovative approaches and best practices from companies that are on the path to a valuable future and examine the impact on business strategy and success. We also offer insights into the political and social developments that influence sustainability. Our aim is to inspire and inform our readers so that they can take action themselves to shape a valuable future.

Focus on digital transformation

Our articles on digital transformation offer you insights into the impact of digitalization on companies and describe how you can adapt your organization to succeed in a rapidly changing world. We introduce you to best practices and give you tips on how to approach digital transformation. We also show you how other companies have successfully carried out digital transformations and give you insights into the challenges and opportunities involved.

Focus on business model

Our business model innovation content will help you rethink your business model and develop new ideas to increase your competitiveness. We provide you with successful examples of how companies have successfully innovated their business model and give you insights into the steps required to innovate a business model. We also describe the different types of business model innovation and show you how to choose the right strategy for your company.

Case studies, trends and opinions

Our case studies give you concrete examples of companies that have successfully implemented digital transformations or innovated their business model. We describe the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. Our expert opinions provide you with valuable insights from experienced consultants and industry experts that can help you expand your knowledge and skills.

Alongside this content, we also provide regularly updated information on the latest trends and developments in digital transformation and business model innovation. We help you stay up-to-date and continuously optimize your strategy.

Our blog is designed to be a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their business to the next level. We strive to challenge tried and tested approaches and promote new ideas to help you increase your competitiveness and succeed.

We ask the right questions

Our workshop card set includes a selection of around 50 cards with impulse questions on the topics of sustainability, digitalization, values and customer centricity, which you can use to work on new business models. You can find more impulse questions in our digitalization tool MORGEN People.

Request card set free of charge

Unsere Geschäftsmodelle zielen auf Kundenbegeisterung und Wertsteigerung ab. Gemäß den MORGEN Kriterien – Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung, Kundenzentrierung und Wertorientierung – balancieren wir diese Elemente, um langfristigen Erfolg sicherzustellen. Trotz gelegentlicher Zielkonflikte erarbeiten wir die optimale Kombination, die Ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich in die Zukunft führt.

Digitale Geschäftsmodelle ermöglichen eine einfache und kostengünstige Skalierung, beschleunigen den Markteintritt und erschließen globale Zielgruppen.
Wertbasierte Geschäftsmodelle steigern die Zahlungsbereitschaft und ermöglichen höhere Preise, was zu langfristigen Kundenbeziehungen durch den gezielten Mehrwert führt.
Kundenzentrierte Geschäftsmodelle erhöhen die Kundenzufriedenheit und fördern Wiederholungskäufe, indem sie Unternehmen dazu anregen, interne Prozesse zu überdenken und echte Kundenprobleme zu lösen.
Nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle bieten Resilienz und sichern langfristigen Erfolg sowie Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in unserer dynamischen Wirtschaftsumgebung.

Create value and inspire customers with the MORGEN Criteria for modern business models

Our business models are geared towards building value and delighting customers. Based on the MORGEN Criteria for modern business models - sustainability, digitalization, customer centricity and value orientation - we create an optimal balance to ensure long-term success. Although not all factors are always compatible, we will find the right combination to help you take your company into a valuable future.

Digital business models
Digital business models can be scaled easily and cost-effectively. They enable rapid market entry and the development of a global target group.
Value-based business models
Value-based business models achieve ahigher willingness to payand thus sethigher pricesthrough. The strong focus on value createslong-term customer relationships.
Customer-centric business models
Customer-centric business models not only lead to greaterSatisfaction and repeat purchases sond force companies toto rethink internal processesandto solve real problems.
Sustainable business models
Sustainable business models are particularly resilient and stand for long-term success and competitiveness in today's dynamic economy.


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