What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?

What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?
How do you inspire the customers of TOMORROW?
What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?
How do you conquer the digital markets of TOMORROW?
How does your company still create value TOMORROW?
How do you transform your business model for TOMORROW?

MORGEN helps managing directors with the right questions to transform their companies.

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MORGEN develops business models for SMEs

MORGEN helps managing directors with the right questions to transform their companies. Together, we develop digital, customer-centric, value-based and sustainable business models.


You need help?

You are....

Medium-sized company with own production
and offer highly specialized products and services

and fight with....

the implementation of digitization away from the production lines
increasing price pressure and margin erosion
the dependence on multi-level distribution (B2B)
Solve problems

Business model development

What we do!

See through the potential that lies dormant in your business model. With the right topics today, you can lay the foundation for a bright, successful future MORGEN.

Market expansion
Exploration and development of new business areas.
Product development
Design and improvement of products or services.
Customer centricity
Deep immersion in customer needs and wishes.
Market tests
Practical tests and analyses for market validation.
Innovative pricing
Revision and introduction of modern pricing models.
Digital transformation
Integration of digital processes and technologies.
Value proposition
Value-oriented strategies to increase sales.
Idea development through to profitable business models.
Business practices that meet all ESG criteria.

Effective advice from MORGEN: Solving real problems

We hear these topics most often

Digitalization and technological modernization
Skills shortage and lack of employee loyalty
Dependence on multi-level distribution
Top 10 problems of the SME sector

More sustainability, less blah blah blah.

We are neither unprofessional coaches nor agile mindset start-ups. MORGEN is your long-term partner for the sustainable transformation of your company.

New Work



Design Thinking

Big Picture

Mindset & Culture

Lean Startup

Industry 4.0



more about us

Turn change into an experience - MORGEN Workshops

With the MORGEN Workshops turn change into a shared experience. Entrepreneurs and managers exchange ideas in peer groups, learn from each other and shape change with passion and fun. This not only creates innovative business models, but also strong connections. Discover the joy of the new and experience how change simply works.

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Workshops from MORGEN

Managing directors and managers from different companies come together to actively shape change in a collaborative learning environment and gain practical, forward-looking insights.

The perfect customer experience
Create the perfect customer experience with our workshop. Learn how to identify customer needs, build a deep understanding of your customers and create an authentic customer experience. Use these insights to strengthen your business model and generate sustainable added value.
Tapping into new markets through digital innovation
Digitize your business model successfully. In our workshop, you will receive the tools to promote growth, optimize processes and strengthen customer relationships. Make your company fit for the future and gain a competitive advantage.
Enforce higher prices through value orientation
Find out how value-based pricing can increase your sales. In our workshop, you will learn how to successfully communicate higher prices and convince customers of your added value. Position your products and services profitably on the market.
Practical AI applications for companies
Discover how AI can revolutionize your business processes. In our workshop, you will develop practical AI applications that increase efficiency and drive automation. Secure a market advantage with intelligent technology.
Landing pages that work: Convincing product communication for market success
Design customer-centric landing pages to communicate your product benefits convincingly. Accelerate and optimize your content creation with the help of AI Differentiate your products and services clearly from competitors through targeted value communication.
Growth in harmony with sustainable value creation
Transform your company with sustainable strategies. In our workshop, you will learn how to anchor sustainability in your business model and create economic value through responsible practices.

Create value and inspire customers with the MORGEN Criteria for modern business models

Our business models are geared towards building value and delighting customers. Based on the MORGEN Criteria for modern business models - sustainability, digitalization, customer centricity and value orientation - we create an optimal balance to ensure long-term success. Although not all factors are always compatible, we will find the right combination to help you take your company into a valuable future.

Digital business models
Digital business models can be scaled easily and cost-effectively. They enable rapid market entry and the development of a global target group.
Value-based business models
Value-based business models achieve ahigher willingness to payand thus sethigher pricesthrough. The strong focus on value createslong-term customer relationships.
Customer-centric business models
Customer-centric business models not only lead to greaterSatisfaction and repeat purchases sond force companies toto rethink internal processesandto solve real problems.
Sustainable business models
Sustainable business models are particularly resilient and stand for long-term success and competitiveness in today's dynamic economy.

We are

Paving the way for the simple transformation of your company into a digital, sustainable and valuable MORGEN.

We facilitate the exchange of know-how and expertise between managing directors in a protected space and help with the right impulses to transform companies sustainably - and make them ready for the future MORGEN for the future.

Jonas Reuter
Jonas Reuter
Managing Director, Partner

Why MORGEN and not a classic management consultancy?

In SMEs, the managing directors usually pull all the strings. We believe in the top-down management approach, especially in owner-managed SMEs. And we don't want to change that. We do not place consultants in your company as expensive project staff, nor do we want to involve all employees. You steer, you lead and we help you with the right impulses.

We do not calculate in consultant days but sell a concrete and measurable service, just like you. This means not only cost certainty through a fixed price, but also a real guarantee of added value. In extreme cases, for us this also means no results - no money.

This motivates us as consultants to work in a goal-oriented manner instead of extending projects or simply delaying them in order to be able to bill more consultant days. There is also no surprise on the invoice at the end of the quarter because your colleague made a brief phone call to a consultant at the "Manager" level.

Nobody knows your company better than you do. So if a consultancy promises to know better than you what is good for your company, then in most cases this is simply dubious. We can't pull a solution out of a drawer that suits your company, customers and you - and we don't want to.

We can advise you with our expertise from other projects, provide a valuable view from the outside or, with a bit of luck, deliver suitable industry knowledge or offer a transfer from other industries. Our expertise lies in the design of modern business models. With the right impulse questions, we bring you to your own solution. Your company, your solution - your earnings. In the academy and in the digitalization tool MORGEN People, many other managing directors will help you with this alongside us.

Many consultancies work according to rigid processes that they apply equally to all their clients. Even if the consultancy and client do not match in terms of size, solutions are still proposed that are not tailored to the company. What works for corporations usually does not work for SMEs. In addition, the culture and management of an owner-managed company are very different from those of a global corporation. We target SMEs in the umbrella space with suitable consulting models.

The most common job of consultants in companies is to prepare/set PowerPoint slides or to act as external project managers. It is questionable whether these actions help companies to make sustainable progress.

In the Academy, we develop real solutions based on impulse questions and open discussion. No one will chew you over with (PowerPoint) presentations as if you were at evening school. Our consulting projects also contain real content that will help you to reproduce the consulting process in future without external advice.

The academy takes place at a location outside your company and away from your day-to-day business. We offer you a hideaway to devote the necessary time and attention to the topic of your business model and are convinced that the change of scenery and the resulting focus alone will help to produce results. Combined with the input from consultants and other managing directors, even outside of the sessions, really great things can emerge. New business models that will carry your company for years or even decades to come.

+7 more reasons


Why is constant further development necessary? What slows down change? Find out what your company needs to be future-proof.

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We are not coaches, nor do we market mindset or cultural topics. MORGEN is your long-term partner for the sustainable transformation of your company.

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JonAsse leben Beratung mit viel Spaß

What MORGEN offers deals with topics at a very high level. It makes sense for managers to participate in order to find their own inspiration on the one hand and to better understand why employee A prefers a certain action or decision on the other.

Martin Wilbers
Member of the Management Board @ Hempel Gesundheitspartner

We ask the right questions

Our workshop card set includes a selection of around 50 cards with impulse questions on the topics of sustainability, digitalization, values and customer centricity, which you can use to work on new business models. You can find more impulse questions in our digitalization tool MORGEN People.

Request card set free of charge


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