Why fear is unsuitable as a stylistic device
Many companies use fear as a stylistic device to sell their services. They focus on the problem and promise to be able to solve it quickly and easily. But this approach is dubious and does not lead to sustainable solutions.
Fear works!
Selling through fear is very effective because fear is a powerful emotion that draws our attention to the problem. Companies capitalize on this by highlighting risks that may worry potential customers. These risks don't even have to be tangible to work as an incentive to buy. The more irrational and virtual a risk is, the better it works as a sales argument. However, this type of sales approach does not require any expertise in finding solutions. Instead, the focus is exclusively on the problem and neglects the long-term effects and the steps required to find a solution.
The problem or risk must not be the focus
This does not mean that we ignore or deny the problem. It does mean that we focus on the solution and work to get the problem under control. Our goal is to help our customers achieve their goals and shape their future in a positive way. We do not simply offer our clients solutions, but work with them to develop them. This process should be reproducible after a consultation with the company, without the need for help. It's literally about selling the rod and not the fish!
The positive attitude
However, a valuable future is created through confidence and a positive attitude. Our company therefore does not work with fear as a stylistic device, but focuses on finding competent and sustainable solutions. We work with our clients to build a positive future rather than relying on fear and problems. We understand that there are risks and challenges, but we believe that they can be overcome through a constructive approach and confidence.
Fear hinders creativity
Another disadvantage of using fear as a stylistic device is that there is no fun in an environment of fear. A process that is also fun is often reproduced and leads to solutions. This process will be used frequently and with pleasure and will thus advance the company in the long term. An environment characterized by fear also prevents the necessary creativity to develop suitable solutions. If those involved are anxious and stressed, they will not feel able to find creative and innovative solutions.
Fear is not a means of trust
Imagine a relationship in which your partner is always scaring you. This would be a purely toxic relationship with no interaction at eye level. In addition to your feelings, it would also change the way you see the future and the present. Because only those who look to the future with a certain openness and courage can achieve great things. However, if we focus on fear, we will not be able to see the big picture. Our company relies on transparency, honesty and trust in our relationships with customers. We create an environment in which those involved feel comfortable and in which they can fully exploit their creativity and potential. We believe that a positive attitude and a relaxed atmosphere are the basis for success. We attach great importance to making the process fun and ensuring that those involved feel able to develop creative and innovative solutions.
In summary, fear as a stylistic device is dubious and unhelpful when it comes to sustainable solutions. Our company therefore eschews this approach and instead relies on confidence, expertise and a positive attitude to help our clients achieve their goals and shape their future in a positive way.
About us:
MORGEN is a specialized management consultancy that focuses on the development of new business models for medium-sized companies. In particular, it supports owner-managed companies in their future-proof transformation. Knowledge transfer is at the heart of its consulting activities, which is why the MORGEN Blog regularly publishes articles on key topics such as digitalization, transformation, customer centricity and sustainability.