Product development & communication strategy for a sustainable insurer

This project focuses MORGEN on the product optimization and positioning of sustainable insurance policies in order to effectively meet market requirements and strengthen customer loyalty. Through clear positioning and communication, we improve the perception and performance of sustainable offerings in a highly competitive environment.


Climate Pension is a provider of occupational pension schemes in the renewable energy sector.

Climate Pension offers specialized occupational pension solutions for medium-sized companies in the renewable energy sector. The portfolio includes customized occupational pension models as well as company health and disability insurance that promote holistic and future-oriented employee protection and support a sustainable corporate culture.

Initial situation:

Climate Pension is not well received in the target market.

The product positioning is incomprehensible.

  • Bundling under the Climate Pension brand construct has obscured the link to the core services.
  • Barriers to switching are not eliminated and hinder market penetration.
  • Offerings appear interchangeable in a saturated market, which obscures their uniqueness.
  • The shared sustainability vision is insufficiently communicated, which weakens brand identification.
Darstellung der alten, schwer verständlichen Positionierung der Versicherungsprodukte.

The product communication does not appeal to the target group.

  • Complex technical terms make it difficult to understand the offering and reduce customer proximity.
  • Digital components are explainedincomprehensibly , which further increases the complexity for the target customers.
  • The product relates to different personas, which are not reflected in the communication .
  • Individualization is insufficiently communicated, which reduces its attractiveness.
Beispiel für veraltete, verklausulierte Sprache in Versicherungskommunikation.

Sharpen positioning - meet market requirements precisely.

Clearly defined value proposition: Develop a strong, differentiating value proposition that emphasizes the uniqueness of the product and improves customer appeal.
Targeted positioning: Establishing a precise market positioning that secures long-term competitive advantages and increases visibility in the target group.
Improved customer loyalty: Creating a deep connection with the target group through a value proposition that addresses real needs and builds trust.
Increased market appeal: Positioning the offer as the preferred choice for the target group, leading to improved conversion rates and increased market success.
Long-term competitiveness: lays the foundation for agile adaptation to market changes, supports sustainable growth and ensures the future viability of the company.

Product development

The process begins with a comprehensive market analysis that combines market segmentation and trend scouting in order to develop an in-depth understanding of the market.

In the target group definition, the target groups are precisely defined using personas and needs analyses, supported by customer surveys.

In the value proposition workshops, the unique selling points and advantages of the product are worked out to ensure clear differentiation.

The positioning is precisely formulated by tailoring the offer to the needs of the target group and differentiating it from the competition in order to ensure an effective market presence.

HR-Persona-Darstellung im Kontext nachhaltiger Versicherungen.
Übersicht verschiedener Personas im Versicherungssektor.
Detailansicht einer Marktrecherche mit Fokus auf Umfragen.
Durchführung einer Kundenbefragung zur Optimierung von Versicherungsprodukten.
Visualisierung der Bestandteile eines Wertversprechens für Versicherungsdienstleistungen.
Auswahlprozess der effektivsten Wertversprechen in der Versicherungsbranche.

A clear positioning that works.

The further development of the product leads to an effective acquisition of new customers in the company pension scheme (bAV) by realizing a precise and clear positioning of the offer. The target group is actively and clearly named without being too restrictive. The strategic introduction of the sub-slogan "New Sustainability" enabled our client to clearly differentiate itself from other providers and signal a strong commitment to sustainable solutions. Targeted trust elements and video statements address the specific needs of the key persona and strengthen trust in the product. These measures not only reflect the core benefits of the product, but also underline our expertise in creating coherent and convincing brand messages.

Initial state

Alter Screenshot der Website vor der Optimierung durch MORGEN Beratung.


Neu gestaltete, benutzerfreundliche Website für nachhaltige Versicherungen.

MORGEN has helped us to sharpen our positioning in a way that we would never have achieved internally. The methodically structured approach led to deeper insights into our target group and a positioning that now clearly sets our offering apart from the competition.

Gottfried Baer
Gottfried Baer
Managing Director @ MehrWert

Clearly communicateyour value proposition ,Reach the target group, build trust.

Targeted communication strategy: Establishment of a clear communication strategy geared towards the target group, which forms the basis for all marketing and sales activities.
Optimized web presence: Creating a user-friendly, engaging online presence that converts visitors into customers and strengthens the brand image.
Effective market tests:
Gain valuable insights through topic-specific landing page tests that enable agile adaptation of the communication strategy.
Efficient ad budget usage: Insights from landing page tests enable targeted, effective marketing measures, optimize the ad budget and maximize ROI.
Increased customer trust: Build trust through consistent, relevant and valuable content that speaks directly to the target audience and fosters long-term customer relationships.

Communication strategy

As part of the project, we developed a comprehensive communication strategy, which was initially characterized by the definition of a clear strategy, the selection of suitable channels and the target group-specific orientation of the core messages. By conducting a detailed analysis of the target group and media, we ensured that each message was precisely tailored to the needs and expectations of the target group. A key part of the project was the creation of engaging and relevant content for websites and landing pages. This content was developed during an intensive content creation session specifically focused on optimizing the user experience and increasing visitor engagement.

Another key aspect of our consultancy work was to use landing pages specifically for topic testing. This involved setting up topic-specific pages and carefully testing their response. Based on the user feedback received, continuous adjustments were made to continuously improve the effectiveness of communication. The overarching goal of these measures was to clearly communicate the client's value proposition, successfully reach the target group and sustainably promote trust, which is essential for building and maintaining long-term customer relationships.

This project has not only changed our perspective, but also our ability to consistently respond to the needs of our customers and strengthen trust in our brand.

Jana Kiesekamp
Head of Marketing & Communication

Business model development

Services in the project

Market expansion
Exploration and development of new business areas.
Product development
Design and improvement of products or services.
Customer understanding
Deep immersion in customer needs and wishes.
Market tests
Practical tests and analyses for market validation.
Innovative pricing
Revision and introduction of modern pricing models.
Digital transformation
Integration of digital processes and technologies.
Value proposition
Value-oriented strategies to increase sales.
Idea development through to profitable business models.
Business practices that meet all ESG criteria.

MORGEN develops business models for SMEs

Experience what's possible tomorrow. In a world full of change, we support SMEs in recognizing and exploiting the hidden opportunities in current challenges. We tap into sources of income that seem unimaginable today - and turn them into your future business success.

What we do


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