No, this is not the next article that explains in which steps the "digital transformation succeeds", which methods are suitable for you and, after an analysis phase, recommends that you develop a roadmap and then implement it. We have set out to provide you directly with a roadmap as a white label that can be used for most companies in the SME sector. In order to list the specific measures, we have analyzed the current state of change in the SME sector and outlined it in general terms.

What is a roadmap?

A roadmap is a strategic planning document that serves as a guideline for the development and implementation of a project or initiative. A typical roadmap includes goals, milestones, timelines and resource requirements. It is an important guide that allows project stakeholders to share a common vision, agree on priorities and track progress. Roadmaps are particularly useful in complex projects where many teams and stakeholders need to work together to achieve common goals. By clearly defining steps and stages, a roadmap can help to ensure that everyone involved stays on track and the goal is successfully achieved.

The roadmap differentiates between the value chain and business model

Real change always affects the entire company. Accordingly, the white label roadmap is very comprehensive and affects all areas of your company. In order to be able to design this roadmap so universally, it is necessary to break down a company's activities to their scientific foundations. Every company creates value, delivers it to customers and generates profit in return. This process is mapped by the value chain and the way in which this happens is anchored in the business model [1].

Accordingly, the roadmap is divided into two areas: Value chain and business model. The topic of culture should also be considered. However, as this topic is highly individual and can hardly be changed through measures, as well as not being in our core area of expertise, we would like to leave it out at this point. As this topic is nevertheless relevant, you can find a guest article on the topic of organizational culture in the MORGEN blog.

Not interested in the current state of digital transformation in SMEs?
Directly to the roadmap

Analysis of the current status and needs of digital transformation in SMEs

Digital transformation has become increasingly important in the economy in recent years. The importance of this is becoming ever more apparent, particularly in the SME sector, which forms the backbone of the German economy. The coronavirus pandemic has reinforced this need, as many companies have been forced to digitally transform their business models and processes quickly and easily in order to remain competitive. But what is the current situation for SMEs? What are the challenges and what measures should be taken to successfully shape the digital transformation? In this context, the status and needs of SMEs are analyzed below in order to derive measures that are as generally applicable as possible.

Digital transformation of the value chain

Medium-sized companies are generally well digitized along the primary value chain. Logistics and production in particular have already been automated and digitalized for cost and efficiency reasons. In the past, the market has generated a great deal of pressure here, which means that there is relatively little or no need for action. Exceptions in the primary value chain are marketing, sales and service. For example, CRM systems (customer relationship management systems) have often already been introduced, but are not fully integrated and used. In SMEs, service and sales usually take place on a personal level. Supporting systems can be useful here, but from a customer-centric perspective, digitalization via self-service portals, for example, does not always lead to an improvement in the customer experience.

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Away from the primary value chain, i.e. in the area of supporting activities, there is no indirect correlation between market pressure and digitalization. In the area of accounting, for example, customers tend not to care whether it is mapped digitally. Supporting activities are only partially digitized, if at all. So if measures have been taken in German SMEs to date, they have mostly been individual measures and without the development of technical ecosystems. These new digital systems are not or hardly networked and primarily serve to relieve the burden on individual departments. However, there is no plan or coherent concept for how these measures contribute to change as a whole. Accordingly, there is a great need for action in the supporting activities of the value chain.

Digital transformation of the business model

SMEs have essentially understood what constitutes modern business models and recognize the need for them. However, the solutions for transferring established business models into the digital space are usually lacking. In some cases, business models have hardly changed or have not changed at all for decades. Although there are always ideas for new business models, mostly through metadata or in the area of services, implementation often fails because the necessary data is not collected or there is no vision of how to generate long-term value with the know-how without jeopardizing the established business models. Some SMEs have already developed new business models. These are often based on many years of experience and accumulated know-how, which are offered as services or consulting. These companies are trying to reduce their dependence on the established business model.

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The existing structures and lack of support in the (specialist) departments are cited as a further obstacle. As a result, many SMEs tend to implement change via internal incubators, start-ups or other "companies within the company". There is usually a lack of a holistic strategy that also incorporates the change in the business model. Owner-managed SMEs in particular are often undergoing a generational change and see the digital transformation as a task for the next generation.

The need for action on the business model for SMEs is very high, as existing business models are at risk due to increasing globalization and changing requirements. However, it takes a long time for the new business models to be fully integrated into the company's day-to-day business. Accordingly, these changes must be initiated while the established business models are still profitable. This is the only way to ensure that the SMEs of today are still the SMEs of Morgen.

Can't find your company in this analysis? Would you like to tell us, yes, that's exactly how it is?

We look forward to your feedback on this technical article. It is important for us to exchange ideas so that we can learn together with you and constantly improve. Send us your feedback directly here or write to me via LinkedIn!

✅ Yes, applies


❌ No, does not apply

What is the goal? When is a company "digitally transformed"?

Digital transformation is usually confused with digitalization. However, digitalization is only one part of digital transformation. The aim is to place the company holistically on a digital platform and adapt its business strategy to the changing requirements and opportunities.

There is no such thing as a completely transformed company, as change is continuous and permanent. However, there are four or five main factors that describe a contemporary company [6]:

  1. The company operates many digitally networked ecosystems, i.e. various digital tools that communicate with each other and map and support value creation.
  2. Revenue is generated partly or entirely through modern, scalable business models. Even if it is not the main component of the digital transformation, these business models should be based on sustainable factors in order to create long-term success.
  3. Processes are lean and digitalized, so there is a significant cost reduction through digitalization. The by-product of these processes is data, which is used for continuous improvement and serves as the basis for new business models.
  4. Employees and the organization drive change. Everyone in the company can intrinsically and independently contribute to the transformation of the company. This can be achieved through their own entrepreneurial development or through suitable contact persons with corresponding responsibilities.
  5. Is sustainability also a key component of digital transformation?

Sustainability as the 5th main factor of change?

In any case, sustainability is a characteristic that is mentioned in connection with the transformation of companies. Sustainability enables companies to achieve greater resilience. It can also be used to reduce costs. 37% of respondents already use sustainable measures in production processes and reduce the consumption of energy, water and other raw materials, for example. [4]. However, not all sustainability measures result in low costs; on the contrary, the initial outlay for taking measures is usually high. In terms of the business model, there are virtually no developments. Although many companies use sustainable or recycled materials or reduce their energy requirements, there is a lack of starting points for becoming completely independent of these (raw) materials or replacing business models with a negative impact. Accordingly, there is a moderate need for sustainability in SMEs.

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In the opinion of MORGENsustainability is a key factor for holistic change. Whether it is included in the definition of digital transformation or not is ultimately irrelevant. Environmental sustainability is a high priority for companies and their employees (see below). However, sustainability should be understood more broadly than environmental sustainability. Social aspects of sustainability play just as big a role as economic sustainability . Entrepreneurs must act sustainably and make sustainable decisions in order to ensure the continued existence of SMEs.

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Summary of the needs analysis

SMEs in Germany are well digitalized along the primary value chain, particularly in the areas of logistics and production. However, there is still a need for action in marketing, sales and service. There is hardly any networking in the supporting activities and there is no coherent concept for implementation. In the area of business models, many companies are trying to develop new models in order to reduce their dependence on the established business model. However, implementation often fails because the necessary data is not collected or there is no vision of how long-term value can be generated. For many companies, sustainability is a component of change that can help to reduce costs and increase resilience, but it is rarely anchored in the business model. Overall, there is still a considerable need for action in the digital transformation of SMEs.

White label roadmap for SMEs

Below we present the White Label Roadmap, which has been designed as a universal list of measures for digital transformation in SMEs. The measures are tailored to most SMEs, but it is important to note that each company should check individually whether they are useful and valuable for them. They are divided into three categories: Primary Value Chain, Supporting Activities and Business Model. Each measure has a recommended time at which it should be started in order to make the digital transformation a success. They are sorted chronologically by priority, but depending on the company, the order should be reconsidered.

✅ You should already have that!

  • You should already have
    Primary value chain
    Resource planning using an ERP system
    A key measure for optimizing internal processes in SMEs is the implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. With such a system, resources such as employees, materials and capital can be planned and managed effectively. As a result, bottlenecks in production or service can be avoided and greater efficiency achieved
  • You should already have
    Primary value chain
    Monitoring the supply chain using an ERP/SCM system
    By using ERP or SCM systems, companies can make their supply chain more transparent, optimize delivery times and thus increase their efficiency. In addition, monitoring the supply chain enables better planning and forecasting of orders as well as improved collaboration with suppliers. By reducing stock levels and avoiding bottlenecks, companies can not only reduce costs but also increase customer satisfaction.
  • You should already have
    Primary value chain
    Mapping of procurement using an ERP/SCM system
    To ensure efficient procurement, it is advisable to implement an ERP or SCM system that digitally maps the procurement processes. This automates order processing (usually at a later stage), makes procurement planning easier and allows stocks to be monitored more effectively. The digitalization of procurement also reduces the risk of incorrect orders and creates better transparency in supplier relationships.
  • You should already have
    Primary value chain
    Digitalization/automation of logistics
    The digitalization and automation of logistics includes the implementation of technologies such as RFID, automated warehouses, drones or autonomous vehicles in order to make processes more efficient and minimize sources of error. Automation can also be supported by integrating inventory management software into the company's ERP system. By using such technologies, companies can optimize their delivery processes by saving time and costs while improving the accuracy and speed of their deliveries.
  • You should already have
    Primary value chain
    Progressive automation of production
    The ongoing automation of production is an important measure in the digital transformation of SMEs. This enables companies to work more efficiently and productively, as automated systems can take over many manual work steps. The use of machines and robots can also minimize errors, improve quality and increase the speed of production. However, in many cases, the automation of production also requires extensive investment in new technologies and in employee training and development.
  • You should already have
    Primary value chain
    Documentation of the processes
    Documenting processes is an important measure for maintaining an overview of company procedures and identifying any weak points. By digitally recording and documenting processes, a high level of transparency is achieved, which makes it possible to optimize processes and make them more efficient. Clear documentation also makes it easier to train new employees and helps to ensure compliance rules are adhered to.
  • You should already have
    Supporting activities
    Digital communication
    Nowadays, digital communication should be both internal and partly external. However, it is important that it does not replace direct customer contact or completely "automate" sales. Suitable channels for this communication are video conferencing tools such as Teams, chats and traditional email communication. In later stages, it may make sense to switch to telephony and rely on cloud-based solutions to reduce costs and enable location-independent communication.
  • You should already have
    Supporting activities
    Digital working time recording
    Digital working time recording enables more effective working time management and accounting, which is particularly beneficial for companies with a large number of employees. Employees can record their working hours simply and accurately, and the administration can evaluate the data quickly and easily. In addition, the digital recording of overtime and vacation days can be facilitated. Such a solution can also help to ensure compliance with legal requirements on working hours and to pay overtime correctly.
  • You should already have
    Supporting activities
    Digital accounting
    Accounting should already be managed digitally. This enables companies to make their accounting processes more efficient and transparent. Manual activities are minimized, which reduces sources of error. By using digital solutions such as cloud-based accounting programs, bookkeeping can also be carried out on the move or from different locations. This ensures that accounting processes are handled promptly and flexibly. In addition, evaluations and reports can be created faster and more precisely, which makes decision-making easier.
  • You should already have
    Supporting activities
    Digital human resources
    The digitalization of HR can make HR work in the company considerably more efficient. Various measures can be taken to this end, such as the introduction of a digital applicant management system, electronic personnel files or digital employment contracts. Switching to digital payroll accounting can also make sense. These measures can not only save working time, but also improve the quality of HR work, for example through faster and more effective communication with applicants and employees.
  • You should already have
    Supporting activities
    Definition of the contact person for change
    An important step in the digital transformation is the definition of clear responsibility for the change. It should be clearly defined within the company who is responsible for supporting and driving change. In many companies, there are still no fixed roles or positions for this, such as a Chief Change Management Officer (CCMO) or a Chief Digital Officer (CDO). As a first step, however, it is important to appoint a responsible person to ensure that the transformation is implemented strategically and effectively, even if this is not linked to titles or positions. In most SMEs, this responsibility lies with the company management or, in owner-managed companies, with the young generation of successors.
  • ➡️ What you are currently doing

  • What you are doing right now
    Supporting activities
    Digitization of human resources management
    In many companies, the digitized HR system is being expanded to include further automation. These include the transmission and generation of payslips. By digitizing these processes, time and costs can be saved while accuracy and efficiency are increased.
  • What you are doing right now
    Supporting activities
    Ecosystem link ERP <-> accounting/finance
    Seamless integration between your ERP system and the accounting/finance department can be created through an ecosystem that automatically generates accounting records and provides an interface to the tax consultant or an accounting cloud. This automation and shared data basis makes the work of the finance department easier and makes accounting faster and more accurate. This leads to greater transparency and efficiency in the finance department and increases the accuracy of compliance requirements.
  • What you are doing right now
    Primary value chain
    Introduction of CRM system
    Many medium-sized companies are currently in the process of introducing a CRM system or have already done so. However, they often do not yet use it to its full extent and have not integrated it seamlessly into their business processes. However, a CRM system can play an important role in customer retention and acquisition and should therefore be taken into account in the company's existing processes. In the medium term, it is advisable to integrate the CRM system into the ERP system to enable better data synchronization and thus more efficient work.
  • What you are doing right now
    Supporting activities
    Overhaul of the IT infrastructure
    In addition to the introduction of cloud services and the improvement of IT security, the overhaul of the IT infrastructure also includes the transition from monolithic systems to smaller, service-oriented architectures. These measures will make the company more flexible and resilient to changes and challenges in the long term. Aspects such as scalability and the ability to integrate additional systems should also be taken into account.
  • What you are doing right now
    Primary value chain
    (Partial) automation of procurement using an ERP/SCM system
    In procurement, processes can be accelerated and optimized through (partial) automation with the help of an ERP/SCM system. For example, when ordering materials, the software can automatically select the suppliers that offer the best price and the fastest delivery time. Order processes and payments can also be fully or partially automated. This can save time and money, especially for recurring orders or standard items. Partial automation of procurement can also improve data quality and compliance, for example by automatically matching orders with contract terms.
  • What you are doing right now
    Supporting activities
    Advancing technological developments for new products/services
    Another important measure is to drive forward technological developments in order to create new products and services. The rapid development of technology is constantly creating new opportunities that companies should exploit in order to remain competitive. It is important that the company continuously identifies, evaluates and implements new technologies in order to open up new business areas. Collaboration with start-ups, spin-offs and other innovators can also be considered for this purpose.
  • ⏸ What you have already planned

  • in 3 - 6 months
    Supporting activities
    Ecosystem link ERP <-> human resources
    In particular, the comparison of resource planning and vacation and working times between the ERP system and HR can make production in your company more efficient. Bottlenecks can be identified and avoided at an early stage, resulting in better utilization of resources.
  • in 3 - 6 months
    Supporting activities
    Introduction of collaboration tools
    The introduction of collaboration tools such as MS Online or Google Docs can reduce duplicates and save a lot of time merging lists in different versions. Employees can edit and share documents in real time, increasing efficiency and enabling seamless collaboration. By using cloud-based tools, documents can also be edited from different locations, improving collaboration within the organization and reducing reliance on physical documents.
  • in 6 - 12 months
    Supporting activities
    Digital document management
    To work efficiently, you should manage your documents digitally. An electronic document management system enables you to find, share and process all relevant documents and data quickly and easily. You can save time and costs by implementing automated workflows. In addition, the digital management of your documents also offers greater data security, as access rights and archiving can be managed automatically.
  • in 6 - 12 months
    Supporting activities
    Knowledge backup in documentation platform
    The measure of securing knowledge in a documentation platform enables your company to effectively document and centrally store the knowledge and experience of your employees. This means that valuable information can be accessed at any time and from anywhere. This helps to ensure that important experience and best practices remain within the company and are not lost, even in the event of staff turnover. A documentation platform also makes it easier to train new employees and helps to improve the quality and effectiveness of your work processes.
  • in 6 - 12 months
    Primary value chain
    Introduction of a PIM system
    One way to improve your product information is to introduce a PIM (Product Information Management) system. A PIM system is used to centrally manage product information and enables the automatic creation, maintenance and distribution of consistent and high-quality product information to different sales channels. This increases efficiency and reduces the error rate as duplicate data maintenance is avoided.
  • ⏩ This is important now and in the future

  • now
    supporting activities
    Digital transformation strategy development
    Developing a strategy for digital transformation is an important step in ensuring that the company is pursuing the right goals and moving forward effectively. This first step is about defining what the company wants to achieve with the digital transformation. For example, the focus may be on process optimization, cost savings, increased efficiency, greater customer and employee satisfaction or the development of new business areas. The strategy should be regularly reviewed and adapted to ensure that the company remains on course and can react quickly to changes in the market environment. It is important to consider the goals and requirements of all relevant stakeholders and to create a roadmap that contains concrete steps and milestones. This should also look at the company's long-term perspective to ensure that the digitalization strategy remains relevant and competitive in the future.
  • now
    supporting activities
    Strategy development Sustainability
    One measure for the sustainable development of your company is the development of a sustainability strategy. Define how your company defines sustainability and what it wants to achieve with sustainability. The resulting strategy should define clear goals and measures to promote environmental, social and economic sustainability within the company. It is important that the sustainability strategy is supported by the company management and is integrated into the company's overall strategy. A regular review of the implementation of the strategy and its impact on the company is also necessary.
  • in 2 months
    Business model
    Redefining mission & vision
    Taking the digital and sustainability strategy into account, the company's vision and mission should be reviewed and revised if necessary. This is important because a clear and future-oriented vision and mission define the direction and goals of the company and thus form the basis for the successful implementation of the digital and sustainability strategy. By reviewing and adapting the vision and mission, the company can ensure that all activities and decisions are aligned with the long-term goals and thus contribute to future viability. A clear and well-communicated vision and mission provides your employees with the framework to make independent decisions in the interests of the company. In addition, a clear vision and mission can also strengthen employees' motivation and identification with the company and thus contribute to greater job satisfaction and loyalty.
  • in 2 months
    Supporting activities
    Selection of measures - creation of a specific roadmap
    After defining objectives and analyzing the initial situation, it is crucial to identify suitable measures for change. Various options should be evaluated and those that best fit the defined goals and corporate culture should be selected. From this, you derive a specific action plan for your company, which can be based on this roadmap.
  • in 2 months
    Supporting activities
    Preparation/revision of investment plan
    As part of the strategy development, resources and budgets must also be defined to enable the implementation of the measures. A review of the investment plan can help to focus spending on the most important projects and ensure that the necessary resources are in place to achieve the transformation goals. Your investment plan should go hand-in-hand with the roadmap and extend at least a few years into the future.
  • now
    Business model
    Revision of the value proposition of existing business models
    In the course of digital transformation and changing customer needs, companies should review their value proposition and adapt it if necessary. This involves asking what problems the company solves for its customers and how it sets itself apart from the competition. New technologies and digital business models can also play a role here. Revising the value proposition can help to strengthen the company's competitiveness and tap into new target groups.
  • now
    Business model
    Revision of the revenue model of existing business models
    When revising the revenue model of existing business models, the aim is to find new ways to increase revenue. This can include, for example, adjusting prices, introducing subscription models or creating new sources of income through upselling or cross-selling.
  • now
    Business model
    Revision of the value creation architecture of existing business models
    Revising the value creation architecture of existing business models involves a critical review and redesign of the internal processes, systems and structures that are responsible for the company's value creation. The aim is to optimize these in such a way that they meet the needs of the customer and are also more efficient and cost-effective. New technologies and innovations can also be used, for example to improve the supply chain or simplify communication with customers and suppliers. By revising their value creation architecture, companies can increase their competitiveness and adapt their business models to changing market conditions.
  • now
    Business model
    Development of new business models
    You should start developing new business models now. For many medium-sized companies, the business model has not changed or hardly changed at all for many years or even decades, while the market is constantly on the move. It takes a long time for new business models to become profitable, which is why change must be initiated early on. New developments can also be capital-intensive, which is only available as long as companies are financially in a position to act. The biggest danger for SMEs is to miss the time for new development and then no longer have the necessary funds available to implement the change in the business model. If you initiate this change now, you can act on the market instead of being forced to react later.
  • in 6 - 12 months
    Supporting activities
    Development of a data strategy
    A data strategy is a measure that companies can take to make the best use of their data. It involves determining how data should be collected, stored, managed, analyzed and used within the company in order to best support business objectives. A data strategy can help companies use their data more effectively and make better business decisions. It can also help companies to react more quickly to changes in the market. In addition, this collected (meta) data is often the basis for data-driven business model development. Many modern business models are based on this generated user and metadata and can be of interest to third parties, for example, and thus enable new additional revenue models.
  • in 12 - 18 months
    Business model
    Market test of new business models
    The new business models should be tested on the market before a broad rollout. This involves testing new products or services on the market and collecting feedback from potential customers. This enables companies to quickly determine whether their ideas for new business models are profitable and which aspects they should focus on to improve their products or services. For example, companies can use agile methods such as design thinking to quickly create prototypes and concepts and test them in collaboration with customers.
  • in 12 - 24 months
    Supporting activities
    Role: Chief Change Manager (CCM)
    The Chief Change Manager is responsible for planning, managing and monitoring change processes within the company and works closely with management and employees. Their tasks include developing and implementing change strategies, identifying and overcoming resistance and creating a culture of change. The introduction of this role ensures that change is approached in a systematic and structured way and that all stakeholders are effectively involved.
  • in 12 - 24 months
    Supporting activities
    Role: Chief Digital Officer (CDO)
    Introducing the role of a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) can be an important measure to ensure a successful digital transformation in the company. The CDO is responsible for the development and implementation of the company's digital strategy and ensures the continuous development of digital activities. They work closely with other managers and departments to ensure that the company's digital initiatives are aligned with the business strategy and offer added value for the company and its customers.
  • in 12 - 24 months
    Supporting activities
    Role: Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)
    The introduction of the role of Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) is a measure to ensure that sustainability becomes an integral part of the corporate strategy. The CSO is responsible for ensuring that sustainability is taken into account and implemented in all areas of the company. This also includes identifying sustainability risks and opportunities and developing strategies and measures to promote sustainable corporate development. The CSO works closely with the management and other departments to ensure that sustainability is integrated into all aspects of the company.
  • in 12 - 24 months
    Supporting activities
    Role: Chief Transformation Officer (CTO)
    Especially in small and medium-sized companies, it is not necessary to use many dedicated roles. This creates more confusion than clarity for employees. Instead, you can bundle CSO, CDO and CCM and create a single role, the Chief Transformation Officer (CTO). This person will oversee the transformation of your company and report directly to the management. This is a very suitable role in succession management, for example, or when transferring family-run companies to the next generation.
  • in 12 - 24 months
    Supporting activities
    Product Life Cycle Management System
    The introduction of a Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) system enables a structured and holistic view of products throughout their entire life cycle - from the initial idea to disposal. By integrating different departments such as development, production and service, information and data can be exchanged efficiently and managed uniformly. The PLM system can therefore help to increase productivity, reduce costs and improve product quality.
  • in 18 - 36 months
    Supporting activities
    Introduction of the BIS system
    Business intelligence software (BIS) is a software solution that collects and analyzes data from various sources to support business decisions. Implementing a BIS can help companies better understand and optimize their business processes, better understand their customers and drive business growth. A BIS can also help to consolidate data from different departments within the company, creating a unified view of business processes. This data supports you in continuous change and can also be the basis for new business models.
  • in 18 - 36 months
    Business model
    Transferring new business models into day-to-day business
    The transfer of new business models into day-to-day business requires careful planning and implementation. This includes drawing up a concrete implementation plan, training employees and implementing new processes and systems. These processes should also enable the new business models to be regularly reviewed and adapted to changing market conditions and customer needs in order to ensure long-term success.
  • in 18 - 36 months
    Business model
    Innovation pipeline from idea to business model/product
    Setting up an innovation pipeline can help to bring ideas more efficiently from the conception phase to market maturity. Ideas are collected, screened and evaluated in order to identify the most promising ones. These ideas are then developed further and tested in the form of prototypes. As soon as a prototype has been successfully tested, it can be transferred to the production phase. Clear structuring and process management make it possible to develop ideas into a successful business model or product quickly and cost-effectively.
  • Do you have any additions?

    We look forward to your feedback on this technical article. It is important for us to exchange ideas so that we can learn together with you and constantly improve. Send us your feedback directly here or write to me via LinkedIn!

    ✅ No, that was a good thing


    ➕ I have additions or questions

    It takes courage and a positive attitude to actively drive change now. We must not see change as a one-off measure. We must reorganize companies in such a way that continuous change becomes a basic process of the company.

    Jonas Reuter
    Jonas Reuter
    Managing Director, Partner

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    [1] Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., & Smith, A. (2014). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers (pp. 14). John Wiley & Sons.

    [2] Telekom Deutschland GmbH. (2018). Digitalization Index for SMEs 2018. Retrieved from on 22.02.2022

    [3] Telekom Deutschland GmbH. (2019). Digitalization Index for SMEs 2019. Retrieved from on 22.02.2022

    [4] Telekom Deutschland GmbH. (2021). Digitalization Index for SMEs 2021. Retrieved from on 22.02.2022

    [5] KfW. (March 11, 2021). Shares of completed digitalization projects in small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany by type (from 2018 to 2020), Digitalization Report 2021 Retrieved from on 22.02.2022

    [6] Etventure GmbH (2018). Digital transformation. Retrieved from on 22.02.2022

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