White label roadmap for the digital transformation of SMEs
No, this is not the next article that explains in which steps the "digital transformation succeeds", which methods are suitable for you and, after an analysis phase, recommends that you develop a roadmap and then implement it. We have set out to provide you directly with a roadmap as a white label that can be used for most companies in the SME sector. In order to list the specific measures, we have analyzed the current state of change in the SME sector and outlined it in general terms.
What is a roadmap?
A roadmap is a strategic planning document that serves as a guideline for the development and implementation of a project or initiative. A typical roadmap includes goals, milestones, timelines and resource requirements. It is an important guide that allows project stakeholders to share a common vision, agree on priorities and track progress. Roadmaps are particularly useful in complex projects where many teams and stakeholders need to work together to achieve common goals. By clearly defining steps and stages, a roadmap can help to ensure that everyone involved stays on track and the goal is successfully achieved.
The roadmap differentiates between the value chain and business model
Real change always affects the entire company. Accordingly, the white label roadmap is very comprehensive and affects all areas of your company. In order to be able to design this roadmap so universally, it is necessary to break down a company's activities to their scientific foundations. Every company creates value, delivers it to customers and generates profit in return. This process is mapped by the value chain and the way in which this happens is anchored in the business model [1].
Accordingly, the roadmap is divided into two areas: Value chain and business model. The topic of culture should also be considered. However, as this topic is highly individual and can hardly be changed through measures, as well as not being in our core area of expertise, we would like to leave it out at this point. As this topic is nevertheless relevant, you can find a guest article on the topic of organizational culture in the MORGEN blog.
Analysis of the current status and needs of digital transformation in SMEs
Digital transformation has become increasingly important in the economy in recent years. The importance of this is becoming ever more apparent, particularly in the SME sector, which forms the backbone of the German economy. The coronavirus pandemic has reinforced this need, as many companies have been forced to digitally transform their business models and processes quickly and easily in order to remain competitive. But what is the current situation for SMEs? What are the challenges and what measures should be taken to successfully shape the digital transformation? In this context, the status and needs of SMEs are analyzed below in order to derive measures that are as generally applicable as possible.
Digital transformation of the value chain
Medium-sized companies are generally well digitized along the primary value chain. Logistics and production in particular have already been automated and digitalized for cost and efficiency reasons. In the past, the market has generated a great deal of pressure here, which means that there is relatively little or no need for action. Exceptions in the primary value chain are marketing, sales and service. For example, CRM systems (customer relationship management systems) have often already been introduced, but are not fully integrated and used. In SMEs, service and sales usually take place on a personal level. Supporting systems can be useful here, but from a customer-centric perspective, digitalization via self-service portals, for example, does not always lead to an improvement in the customer experience.
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Away from the primary value chain, i.e. in the area of supporting activities, there is no indirect correlation between market pressure and digitalization. In the area of accounting, for example, customers tend not to care whether it is mapped digitally. Supporting activities are only partially digitized, if at all. So if measures have been taken in German SMEs to date, they have mostly been individual measures and without the development of technical ecosystems. These new digital systems are not or hardly networked and primarily serve to relieve the burden on individual departments. However, there is no plan or coherent concept for how these measures contribute to change as a whole. Accordingly, there is a great need for action in the supporting activities of the value chain.
Digital transformation of the business model
SMEs have essentially understood what constitutes modern business models and recognize the need for them. However, the solutions for transferring established business models into the digital space are usually lacking. In some cases, business models have hardly changed or have not changed at all for decades. Although there are always ideas for new business models, mostly through metadata or in the area of services, implementation often fails because the necessary data is not collected or there is no vision of how to generate long-term value with the know-how without jeopardizing the established business models. Some SMEs have already developed new business models. These are often based on many years of experience and accumulated know-how, which are offered as services or consulting. These companies are trying to reduce their dependence on the established business model.
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The existing structures and lack of support in the (specialist) departments are cited as a further obstacle. As a result, many SMEs tend to implement change via internal incubators, start-ups or other "companies within the company". There is usually a lack of a holistic strategy that also incorporates the change in the business model. Owner-managed SMEs in particular are often undergoing a generational change and see the digital transformation as a task for the next generation.
The need for action on the business model for SMEs is very high, as existing business models are at risk due to increasing globalization and changing requirements. However, it takes a long time for the new business models to be fully integrated into the company's day-to-day business. Accordingly, these changes must be initiated while the established business models are still profitable. This is the only way to ensure that the SMEs of today are still the SMEs of Morgen.
Can't find your company in this analysis? Would you like to tell us, yes, that's exactly how it is?
We look forward to your feedback on this technical article. It is important for us to exchange ideas so that we can learn together with you and constantly improve. Send us your feedback directly here or write to me via LinkedIn!
What is the goal? When is a company "digitally transformed"?
Digital transformation is usually confused with digitalization. However, digitalization is only one part of digital transformation. The aim is to place the company holistically on a digital platform and adapt its business strategy to the changing requirements and opportunities.
There is no such thing as a completely transformed company, as change is continuous and permanent. However, there are four or five main factors that describe a contemporary company [6]:
- The company operates many digitally networked ecosystems, i.e. various digital tools that communicate with each other and map and support value creation.
- Revenue is generated partly or entirely through modern, scalable business models. Even if it is not the main component of the digital transformation, these business models should be based on sustainable factors in order to create long-term success.
- Processes are lean and digitalized, so there is a significant cost reduction through digitalization. The by-product of these processes is data, which is used for continuous improvement and serves as the basis for new business models.
- Employees and the organization drive change. Everyone in the company can intrinsically and independently contribute to the transformation of the company. This can be achieved through their own entrepreneurial development or through suitable contact persons with corresponding responsibilities.
- Is sustainability also a key component of digital transformation?
Sustainability as the 5th main factor of change?
In any case, sustainability is a characteristic that is mentioned in connection with the transformation of companies. Sustainability enables companies to achieve greater resilience. It can also be used to reduce costs. 37% of respondents already use sustainable measures in production processes and reduce the consumption of energy, water and other raw materials, for example. [4]. However, not all sustainability measures result in low costs; on the contrary, the initial outlay for taking measures is usually high. In terms of the business model, there are virtually no developments. Although many companies use sustainable or recycled materials or reduce their energy requirements, there is a lack of starting points for becoming completely independent of these (raw) materials or replacing business models with a negative impact. Accordingly, there is a moderate need for sustainability in SMEs.
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In the opinion of MORGENsustainability is a key factor for holistic change. Whether it is included in the definition of digital transformation or not is ultimately irrelevant. Environmental sustainability is a high priority for companies and their employees (see below). However, sustainability should be understood more broadly than environmental sustainability. Social aspects of sustainability play just as big a role as economic sustainability. Entrepreneurs must act sustainably and make sustainable decisions in order to ensure the continued existence of SMEs.
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Summary of the needs analysis
SMEs in Germany are well digitalized along the primary value chain, particularly in the areas of logistics and production. However, there is still a need for action in marketing, sales and service. There is hardly any networking in the supporting activities and there is no coherent concept for implementation. In the area of business models, many companies are trying to develop new models in order to reduce their dependence on the established business model. However, implementation often fails because the necessary data is not collected or there is no vision of how long-term value can be generated. For many companies, sustainability is a component of change that can help to reduce costs and increase resilience, but it is rarely anchored in the business model. Overall, there is still a considerable need for action in the digital transformation of SMEs.
White label roadmap for SMEs
Below we present the White Label Roadmap, which has been designed as a universal list of measures for digital transformation in SMEs. The measures are tailored to most SMEs, but it is important to note that each company should check individually whether they are useful and valuable for them. They are divided into three categories: Primary Value Chain, Supporting Activities and Business Model. Each measure has a recommended time at which it should be started in order to make the digital transformation a success. They are sorted chronologically by priority, but depending on the company, the order should be reconsidered.
✅ You should already have that!
Resource planning using an ERP system
Monitoring the supply chain using an ERP/SCM system
Mapping of procurement using an ERP/SCM system
Digitalization/automation of logistics
Progressive automation of production
Documentation of the processes
Digital communication
Digital working time recording
Digital accounting
Digital human resources
Definition of the contact person for change
➡️ What you are currently doing
Digitization of human resources management
Ecosystem link ERP <-> accounting/finance
Introduction of CRM system
Overhaul of the IT infrastructure
(Partial) automation of procurement using an ERP/SCM system
Advancing technological developments for new products/services
⏸ What you have already planned
Ecosystem link ERP <-> human resources
Introduction of collaboration tools
Digital document management
Knowledge backup in documentation platform
Introduction of a PIM system
⏩ This is important now and in the future
Digital transformation strategy development
Strategy development Sustainability
Redefining mission & vision
Selection of measures - creation of a specific roadmap
Preparation/revision of investment plan
Revision of the value proposition of existing business models
Revision of the revenue model of existing business models
Revision of the value creation architecture of existing business models
Development of new business models
Development of a data strategy
Market test of new business models
Role: Chief Change Manager (CCM)
Role: Chief Digital Officer (CDO)
Role: Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)
Role: Chief Transformation Officer (CTO)
Product Life Cycle Management System
Introduction of the BIS system
Transferring new business models into day-to-day business
Innovation pipeline from idea to business model/product
Do you have any additions?
We look forward to your feedback on this technical article. It is important for us to exchange ideas so that we can learn together with you and constantly improve. Send us your feedback directly here or write to me via LinkedIn!
It takes courage and a positive attitude to actively drive change now. We must not see change as a one-off measure. We must reorganize companies in such a way that continuous change becomes a basic process of the company.
We ask the right questions
Our workshop card set includes a selection of around 50 cards with impulse questions on the topics of sustainability, digitalization, values and customer centricity, which you can use to work on new business models. You can find more impulse questions in our digitalization tool MORGEN People.
MORGEN develops business models for medium-sized companies
Experience what MORGEN is possible. In a world full of change, we support SMEs in recognizing and exploiting the hidden opportunities in current challenges. We tap into sources of income that seem unimaginable today - and turn them into your business success of MORGEN.
Jonas Reuter
[1] Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., & Smith, A. (2014). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers (pp. 14). John Wiley & Sons.
[2] Telekom Deutschland GmbH. (2018). Digitalization Index for SMEs 2018. Retrieved from https://www.digital-x.eu/de/magazin/digitalisierungsindex/archiv on 22.02.2022
[3] Telekom Deutschland GmbH. (2019). Digitalization Index for SMEs 2019. Retrieved from https://www.digital-x.eu/de/magazin/digitalisierungsindex/archiv on 22.02.2022
[4] Telekom Deutschland GmbH. (2021). Digitalization Index for SMEs 2021. Retrieved from https://www.digital-x.eu/de/magazin/digitalisierungsindex/archiv on 22.02.2022
[5] KfW. (March 11, 2021). Shares of completed digitalization projects in small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany by type (from 2018 to 2020), Digitalization Report 2021 Retrieved from https://www.kfw.de/PDF/Download-Center/Konzernthemen/Research/PDF-Dokumente-Digitalisierungsbericht-Mittelstand/KfW-Digitalisierungsbericht-2021.pdf on 22.02.2022
[6] Etventure GmbH (2018). Digital transformation. Retrieved from https://www.etventure.de/digitale-transformation/ on 22.02.2022