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The question of testing products or services in the market is a crucial step in understanding how the target group reacts to the offering. It allows companies to get direct feedback and identify potential improvements before investing heavily. This approach minimizes risks and increases the chances of success. By analyzing customer feedback and relevant data, valuable insights can be gained that help to fine-tune the offering and maximize customer value.

An illustrative example of a successful market test is the company Airbnb. The company initially launched its peer-to-peer accommodation rental platform in San Francisco only. This allowed Airbnb to gather feedback from users, understand what worked and what could be improved. These insights were then used to further develop the platform and expand it to other cities and eventually internationally.

Follow-up questions

  • Which customers or target groups might be best suited to test your products/services?
  • What data and metrics would you track to evaluate the success of your products/services?
  • What methods could you use to gather feedback from test customers?
  • How could you turn the feedback into improvements?
  • How would you decide when and how to launch your product/service more widely?

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