How can your digital products/services be brought to life physically?
If you already have digital products/services, how can they be linked to the physical world? How would this affect the customer experience?
Jede Woche eine Frage rund um die Themen Geschäftsmodell , Nachhaltigkeit , Pricing , Wert oder Kundenfokus.
We often talk about digitizing physical products, but it should also be looked at the other way around. Digital products are often suitable for a blended user experience. The digital products can be "experienced" through physical components. This results in completely new business models.
A good example is the Toniebox from tonies®. The actual product is audio plays for children, which initially only contain a digital audio track. A business model that would certainly not have been anywhere near as successful in this form. The Tonies (small figures) allow children to physically experience and operate the audio plays. A suitable playback device completes the system solution. Really very well implemented and therefore extremely successful.
But this type of business model is not just for children. The younger generations in particular, including GenerationZ, are looking for a product experience. They prefer the on-site shopping experience again and love physical products of all kinds. Digital is not always easy, but in some places it also hinders access to target groups that have no digital affinity, e.g. 60+. If properly thought through, new business models can be developed or existing business models expanded. Digital and physical are not a contradiction, they go hand in hand!
Follow-up questions
What additional value can this create? Could it differentiate us from the market? Does this combination offer us an opportunity to create a system solution and retain customers? What digital value can also be delivered physically?
What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?
MORGEN helps managing directors with the right questions to transform their companies.
We ask the right questions
Our workshop card set includes a selection of around 50 cards with impulse questions on the topics of sustainability, digitalization, values and customer centricity, which you can use to work on new business models. You can find more impulse questions in our digitalization tool MORGEN People.