Who is responsible for new business models in your company?
Work out whose task it is to develop the company further. Should the business models be predefined or developed from within the company? Who is "to blame" if there is no development?
Jede Woche eine Frage rund um die Themen Geschäftsmodell , Nachhaltigkeit , Pricing , Wert oder Kundenfokus.
The question of responsibility for new business models is not only an organizational challenge, but also a strategic one. It sheds light on the innovative strength and future viability of a company. By answering this question, managing directors can increase the value of their company by establishing clear responsibilities and processes. This not only promotes a culture of innovation, but also ensures long-term competitiveness.
Follow-up questions
- How are innovative ideas collected and evaluated in your company?
- What resources are available for the development of new business models?
- Is there a defined process for the introduction of new business models?
- How are employees involved in the innovation process?
- What role do external partners play in the development of new business models?
- What KPIs are used to measure the success of new business models?
- How is the risk of introducing new business models minimized?
What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?
What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?
How do you inspire the customers of TOMORROW?
What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?
How do you conquer the digital markets of TOMORROW?
How does your company still create value TOMORROW?
How do you transform your business model for TOMORROW?