Effective consulting: solving real problems drives business model development

Many SMEs develop business models - often without consciously realizing it. Every day they solve problems and improve their business models. We collect and structure typical challenges and show how business model development can contribute to solving these problems.

These are the problems facing SMEs

Internal challenges

Digitalization and technological modernization
Skills shortage and lack of employee loyalty
Financial management and securing liquidity

External challenges

Securing supply chains in times of raw material shortages
Price pressure and margin erosion
Dealing with disruptive business models

Strategic challenges

Dependence on multi-level distribution
economic uncertainty and risk management
Customer retention and acquisition

MORGEN offers solutions for your problem

In our daily conversations with SMEs, we hear time and again about the challenges and problems faced by managing directors. These encounters give us profound insights into what really motivates SMEs. With this understanding, we are able to identify starting points and solutions - especially with regard to business model development. We are here to help you turn today's challenges into today's successes morgen successes.

Top 10 problems in SMEs - what we hear most often

The challenges of digitalization and technological modernization are much more than simply setting up a website or using social media. They encompass a comprehensive view of all business processes and how they can be made more efficient through technology.

The challenges of digitalization and technological modernization offer the opportunity to redesign all business processes and their interactions with your customers. It is not just a matter of analysing and digitizing existing IT systems, but of rethinking the entire process chain in a customer-centric way. This change is necessary to remain competitive and take full advantage of the opportunities offered by technology.

In this respect MORGEN sound expertise. We support you in redesigning your business processes and interactions with your customers in order to make efficient use of technological innovations. Our approach focuses on sustainable business model development and promotes your company's competitive position.

The successful implementation of this comprehensive approach can create significant value for your company. It offers the chance to increase efficiency, improve the customer experience and open up new business opportunities. During a no-obligation introductory meeting, we will discuss together how MORGEN Can accompany you on this path of change and improvement.

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Contributions to the topic

Raw material shortages and their impact on your supply chains are a serious challenge. They have a direct impact on your business model and significantly affect your operations. To overcome these challenges, a sustainable adaptation of your procurement and supply chain strategies is necessary.

At MORGEN we have extensive experience in adapting and optimizing supply chains under difficult conditions. We help you to develop a robust and resilient supply chain strategy that secures your business even in times of raw material shortages.

An optimized and robust supply chain can help you minimize the risk of business disruption while strengthening the efficiency and resilience of your business model. Let's have a no-obligation introductory meeting to discuss how MORGEN Can support you in securing your supply chains.

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Contributions to the topic

Increasing price pressure in the market is eroding your profit margins and threatening the financial stability of your company. This challenge cannot be viewed in isolation, but is closely linked to your business model and, in particular, your customer focus. This is where a customer-centric business model can help.

A customer-centric business model, as it MORGEN promotes, involves not only developing products and services that meet your customers' needs, but also building strong customer relationships based on trust and satisfaction. This can help you stabilize your prices and avoid margin erosion. This allows us to create value together and develop the business model to support the long-term financial stability of your company.

MORGEN helps you develop an innovative pricing strategy based on value, not just cost. By utilizing data-driven approaches and modern pricing models, we work together to find ways to mitigate pricing pressures and protect your profit margins.

Strengthening your customer relationships and developing solutions that meet your customers' needs can significantly improve your sales and margins. We would be delighted to show you in a non-binding introductory meeting how the expertise of MORGEN can help to reduce price pressure and stabilize your profit margins.

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Contributions to the topic

Multi-level sales can block your direct connection to end customers and potentially reduce profit margins. This lies at the core of the business model: sales processes are not only the link to your customers, they are also an integral part of your value chain. By reviewing and potentially adapting the sales model, you can change your business model in a way that improves both customer relationships and profitability.

Digitalization offers numerous opportunities for direct customer interaction and increased sales efficiency. In this context, we support you in analyzing your current situation and developing digital, customer-centric business models. It's not just about increasing margins, but also about building a valuable relationship with your customers, which in turn strengthens your brand.

Transforming your business model will add value to your business beyond improving sales efficiency. Not only will it enable greater independence, but it will also result in a better market position and improved customer relationships. We at MORGEN would be delighted to arrange a no-obligation meeting to discuss how we can help you future-proof your business model.

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Difficulties in finding and retaining qualified professionals are direct factors affecting your productivity and growth. They are an expression of a deeper problem rooted in the business model. An attractive business model offers more than just financial incentives - it creates an environment in which employees want to engage and develop.

At MORGEN we believe that adapting your business model will solve these problems. We help you find an approach that not only promotes a sustainable business model, but also addresses the needs of your employees.

Solving the skills shortage and strengthening employee retention are not only immediate improvements, but can also have a long-term positive impact on your business model. You strengthen your competitive position, improve your corporate culture and increase productivity. Let's have a no-obligation introductory meeting to talk about how MORGEN Can help you transform your company into an organization where qualified professionals want to stay.

Initial consultation free of charge

Contributions to the skills shortage

Efficient financial management and secured liquidity are crucial elements for maintaining your business operations. They are fundamental pillars of a successful business model. By optimizing these aspects in a targeted manner, you can make a decisive contribution to achieving your corporate goals.

In consulting with MORGEN we help you to better understand your financial situation and strengthen your financial management in the long term. By introducing and using modern digital tools and implementing innovative business models, such as dynamic pricing, we work with you to find ways to secure your liquidity in the long term and minimize cash flow problems.

The targeted optimization of your financial management and liquidity protection has far-reaching positive effects on your business model. Not only will the financial health and stability of your company be strengthened, but strategic planning will also be improved and room for growth initiatives will be opened up. Let us discuss in a non-binding introductory meeting how MORGEN Can support you in aligning your financial management for the future and securing your liquidity in the long term.

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Contributions to the topic

The ever-changing economy and global markets can have a significant impact on your business. This often leads to uncertainty and the need to develop effective risk management strategies to ensure your stability. A reliable risk management plan can strengthen the robustness of your business model and protect it against external shocks. It focuses on the identification, assessment and prioritization of risks, as well as the development of risk mitigation strategies.

Multifaceted risk management can future-proof and sustainably strengthen your business model. It helps to refine your business strategies and identify potential weaknesses at an early stage. By analysing your business processes in a structured way, you can establish effective control mechanisms and minimize risks. This approach, combined with the development of new sustainable business models, can ensure the longevity of your business. A responsive, resilient and sustainable business model is an essential competitive advantage in a volatile business world and offers opportunities for long-term, responsible success.

Let's work together on an effective risk management plan. MORGEN the Risk Management team has many years of experience and expertise to support you in the further development of your business model. Arrange a free initial consultation with us today to find out how we can future-proof your business.

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Contributions to the topic

One of the biggest challenges for any company is retaining and acquiring customers. A robust, customer-oriented business model forms the basis for sustainable success. Satisfied customers are loyal and will recommend your company to others, while good customer service attracts new customers and strengthens your market position.

Intensified customer orientation and improved customer service will strengthen your business model and increase your turnover. A fundamental understanding of your customers and their needs is crucial. Only then can you offer relevant solutions that create real added value and thus increase your customers' loyalty. This approach also promotes the continuous development of your business model and ensures its long-term competitiveness.

Together with MORGEN you can develop new strategies to improve your customer retention and acquisition. Our consulting services support you in further developing your business model and establishing a customer-oriented corporate culture. Arrange a free initial consultation to find out more about our customized solutions.

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The challenge of understanding disruptive business models and reacting accordingly can be a decisive hurdle for companies. These models have the potential to change existing markets or create entirely new ones. A future-oriented adaptation of your business model will help you to assert yourself in this dynamic competitive environment.

By analyzing disruptive business models and trends, you can react at an early stage and make the necessary adjustments. This enables you to anticipate innovations, secure your market position and seize growth opportunities. Continuous further development and flexibility of your business model is essential.

With the support of MORGEN you can optimally prepare for disruptive change. Our extensive knowledge of digital transformation and sustainable business models enables us to provide you with effective support. Arrange a free introductory meeting to find out how we can support you in asserting yourself in an increasingly competitive environment.

free initial consultation

Ideas are the origin of innovation. But developing a concrete business idea and turning it into a robust business model is a real challenge. It is a balancing act to maintain the vision while taking into account the reality of the market.

A robust business model takes into account all aspects of your business and allows you to communicate and market your offering effectively. By focusing on your customers and their needs, you can develop relevant solutions and achieve a strong position in the market. Continuous review and adaptation of your business model is essential to ensure long-term success.

With MORGEN you can build the bridge between idea and successful business model. Our expertise in the field of business model development supports you in realizing your vision and establishing yourself on the market. Arrange a free introductory meeting to find out more about our individual solutions.

free initial consultation

Thanks to our close connection to the medienreaktor group of companies, we can draw on a wealth of experience from 19 years of providing strategic support to SMEs. Our common goal is to sustainably optimize established business models and thus shape a successful future.

Jonas Lindner
Jonas Lindner

Successful transformation through customer-centric workshops

Our workshops at MORGEN focus on customer-centered business model development. We support you in facing the challenges of the market and consistently aligning your corporate strategy with the needs of your customers. Discover new perspectives with us and secure the future of your company.

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Workshop-Teilnahme eines Partners von MORGEN, Personas an Whiteboard anbringend, Fokus auf kundenzentrierte Geschäftsmodellentwicklung

Business model development

This helps MORGEN

See through the potential that lies dormant in your business model. With the right topics today, you can lay the foundation for a bright, successful future MORGEN.

Market expansion
Exploration and development of new business areas.
Product development
Design and improvement of products or services.
Customer understanding
Deep immersion in customer needs and wishes.
Market tests
Practical tests and analyses for market validation.
Innovative pricing
Revision and introduction of modern pricing models.
Digital transformation
Integration of digital processes and technologies.
Value proposition
Value-oriented strategies to increase sales.
Idea development through to profitable business models.
Business practices that meet all ESG criteria.
MORGEN Partner erklärt analytische Lösungsansätze an einem Kunden, Fokus auf detaillierte und durchdachte Beratung

Analytical solution finding for sustainable success

In MORGEN Consulting, we value a cautious and analytical approach. We take the time to understand your business and its specific challenges in order to develop customized, thoughtful solutions. Our expertise lies in unraveling complex problems and driving strategic, sustainable change that creates real value.

What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?

What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?
How do you inspire the customers of TOMORROW?
What place does your company have in the world of TOMORROW?
How do you conquer the digital markets of TOMORROW?
How does your company still create value TOMORROW?
How do you transform your business model for TOMORROW?

Together we transform current challenges into your business success of tomorrow. Book an appointment today and start the transformation your company needs for the future.

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Impulses for your strategy

Playfully discover new perspectives for your corporate strategy with our workshop card set. 50 strategic questions offer you creative impulses to explore and optimize your business model.

Free of charge in your letterbox


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