Together with MORGEN to your new business model

We take on the problems of your company. We work together as partners to ensure the continued existence of your business and develop new business models and ways to future-proof your company.

Potential analysis

In a 2 to 4 week transformation sprint, we put the company into working mode.

Together, we create an in-house consulting team and develop a tailored analysis of existing business models, services, skills, knowledge and strategy.
An analysis of the potential for new business models is derived from this. Access to the Morgen People enables the management and the consulting team to work independently.

Business model development

Joint business model development from an identified potential with the project team.

Development of a new business model based on the criteria of digital, value-based, customer-centric and sustainable for the company and the environment.
In-depth customer and market analysis ensures competitiveness. Development of a strategy for pricing and market launch.

We ask the right questions

Our workshop card set includes a selection of around 50 cards with impulse questions on the topics of sustainability, digitalization, values and customer centricity, which you can use to work on new business models. You can find more impulse questions in our digitalization tool MORGEN People.

Request card set free of charge


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