Who is responsible for new business models in your company?
Work out whose task it is to develop the company further. Should the business models be predefined or developed from within the company? Who is "to blame" if there is no development?
Every week a question on the topics of business model , sustainability , pricing , value or customer focus.
No cookie-cutter solutions - just the right questions at the right time! Our consulting model is based on impulse questions that lead managing directors to their own, suitable solution for their company.
Our workshop card set includes a selection of around 50 cards with impulse questions on the topics of sustainability, digitalization, values and customer centricity, which you can use to work on new business models. You can find more impulse questions in our digitalization tool MORGEN People.
Unsere Geschäftsmodelle zielen auf Kundenbegeisterung und Wertsteigerung ab. Gemäß den MORGEN Kriterien – Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung, Kundenzentrierung und Wertorientierung – balancieren wir diese Elemente, um langfristigen Erfolg sicherzustellen. Trotz gelegentlicher Zielkonflikte erarbeiten wir die optimale Kombination, die Ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich in die Zukunft führt.
Our business models are geared towards building value and delighting customers. Based on the MORGEN Criteria for modern business models - sustainability, digitalization, customer centricity and value orientation - we create an optimal balance to ensure long-term success. Although not all factors are always compatible, we will find the right combination to help you take your company into a valuable future.